Oh what a year! The bests far outshine the worsts. This year I set myself the goal of being more adventurous, applying to and participating in shows further away. Shows that I would need to stay overnight to do. After a few not so great hotel experiences I discovered the joy of booking an air b and b over a hotel and from here on out it will be the only way for me. What I have also found being out at more shows this year is that you get more of an experience of humanity, the good and unfortunately also the not so good. There were some doozies, so I will get them out of the way. I witnessed a man allow his dog to poop in my booth, at an indoor show and then walk away and leave it there. A father told his toddler son to push the button on one of the legs of my tent to "see what would happen." I politely asked the kid not to do that as it would collapse the side of my tent and the buttons tend to be pinchy so I didn't want the kid to be hurt. The dad to...